The Key To Superhuman Results Is Synergy
Perhaps the most underrated strategy in health is to maximize synergy. Synergy is when you combine two things to create a more powerful result. For example, 1 + 1 = 10. When we combine two or more products together we call that a “stack”. Stacks are how you get the best results possible.
Yes, by combining the right formulas in the right way, you can often increase the effectiveness by 10 times. We’ve proven this many times in our BioLab at the Burch University in Sarajevo. Sometimes by combining formulas we have improved the results by 1,000%.
The Keto/Paleo Diet Stack Design
This is the ultimate keto/paleo diet stack because:
- kApex maximizes the breakdown of fats and protein found in the keto and paleo diets, and transports the fat into your liver and mitochondria to burn for all-day energy.
- P3OM synergies with kApex because of its proteolytic activity, meaning you will absorb even more valuable amino acids from your food.
- HCL Breakthrough then enhances kApex and P3OM even further by breaking down the food in your stomach, which makes the enzymes in kApex and the probiotics in P3OM more efficient at their job.
When you combine all 3 you have the best digestion and energy possible the keto/paleo diets.
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